Thursday, April 9, 2020



Talking about where. What's the deepest convo you've ever had started with 'where' ? Most common one prolly sound like,

"Where do you want to see yourself in the future?"

Most people doesn't think it throughly deep. Well, maybe they just don't want to think hard? maybe it's not their thing to 'shape' their own future. Cause some of us believe that we cannot change the future. It is meant to be as it is.

Not going to argue with that, since it's not wrong either. Of course it's not wrong, no one has a concrete proof that we can change the future. The only thing we knew is that we are open to an unlimited options to choose each day, each hours, minute, even seconds. Right?

Take an example now, you could be doing anything you wanted to do now. Either it's a good thing or a bad thing. Ask yourself, what are you doing right now? reading this? while you also have the option to choose not to.

Life is about making choices. And you won't stop making choices unless you're done in this world, by other means, the time for you to die has come.

SO, while you ain't dead yet, keep making choices, lots of examples has been doned by others. You could saw the output from what they do. What to lose? Why bother thinking of the risk far too long? It's okay if the result are not that perfect yet or even failed badly. 

Another thing about life, next step after making choices is to learn how it works.
How life works? Easy. Trial and error. You failed, you try again. Just repeat one thing at a time. 

That was just the basic of life. But it should be more than enough to get you through more complicated things. A good foundation is important you know?

Back to the main question, "Where do you want to see yourself in the future?",

don't think too deep, you're just going to be imagining it too much, that means you're just a dreamer. Dream won't come true unless you do it. Nobody will ever do it for your dreams.

Think for a short brief about it. Then think this one next,
"Where should I start looking clues of what am I going to do to make it come true".

Nothing was ever created instant for humans. We can't be like the mighty one that some humans praise as God, who can just snap his fingers and created a big bang, even maybe just by sneezing he could created what, a rain, tornado.

Humans must went through the process. Learn, Practice, Learn, Do it.
Then one humans start asking,

"Why must we all go through the process from the start? What did we do in the first place that we are we right and becoming us now till now?"

"Why do we even exist. Where do we start in the first place."

" I just wanted to let you all know, humans are stuck in the circle of life. They were born, stay alive, until their lifespan ended. Then? It's starts from the square one. You were born again. As a different human being".

Some of us prolly thinking, if we really are inside this circle life thingy, how can we get out?

The question is do you really want to? Go out from this circle?

Are you ready to let go of everything, all of things that this world offers you, all the things that you loved and have now. When you don't feel that all you have makes you happy anymore, I mean they're just things, sure they matters but only sometimes. What matters all the time is yourself, your whole body.

Once you go deep and trying to find more about yourself why the you become you now. And why you are here now above other things. For this one, I'm just asking, where do you think you'll be going when you're old and it's time for you to go.

Imagine yourself like maybe 20 or 50 years from now are you old enough? When that time came, where will you be at that time and after that where will life takes you? The other side? But where?

Where is this other side? Above Earth? The space? Heaven? Where is heaven? Hell? Where is hell? Hmm...


Where are we?
~ 5 ~

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