Thursday, April 2, 2020



Hi. Wonder how has it been since quarantine day one?
Hope everyone stay strong.
May life goes back to normal soon.
Stay positive.
C'mon it's not that hard,
staying positive.
really? is it that hard?

What if I told you how to stay positive quickly?
If it doesn't work,
just close this page.

Okay, here goes :


One, how do you breath? normal? Good. Better be grateful you still could breath normally.
Another one, check your body including face, hands, until toes. You got a clean face? Damn, must be pretty one you are. How bout your eyes? surely it must be there, both of'em? Why do I even ask, you wouldn't be able to read until this line if your eyes doesn't works as clear as a blue sky. 

Your fingers? 5 each on both sides? Look how lucky you are. Lose one of'em tomorrow you'll see a big differences. I've tried a challenge living a day imagining your hands'd be like those cgi ninja turtles hands, three fingers only. Didn't feel comfy as having five of it.

And, down to your knees and toes. Is it still there? Right leg, left leg? Why, look how completed you are if you still do. Still have both of'em and most of the times you're so lazy to walk? Wake up! Legs are meant to be used for you to walk.

Part one was not that hard isn't it? For you people who have a whole list checked. Please be more grateful, cause there are 'they' who don't have their checklist all checked, who even though they said they can do anything with their limitations, deep, deep, and deep inside they still wish they'd have all the checklist fully checked.

Why still scrolling?
Looking for part two?
There was no part two from the start.
I told you the best one already.
Simple things but not easy to maintain.
Be grateful, that is the key. 

Have you ever asked yourself when?
When to be gratefull?
When you should be grateful?
When is the exact time to be grateful?
For me, every time you can,
every time you have the time to,
do it,
be grateful.

#freetoedit#ketnips #ketnipz  #remixit
When you mastered it,
being grateful,
you will understand,
you will knew,
you will feel it,
how humane you are,
how it feels,
how it taste,
it's just

" Pure Happiness "

I know, you know it better, we all knew,
knew how hard it is to be grateful sometimes.

Take example the easiest hardest part to be grateful,
when we are sick, how do you think we can be grateful,
while all these pain feels like it's killing you,
give you no option but to drink those medicines.

Being grateful doesn't just work like *snap* snapping your fingers easily.
(sorry for those who can't snap till now)

There are steps, there's always steps to everything before reaching the main goal.
Steps of being grateful might be like,
understanding why you are in this position right now?
what cause it? where does it starts?

If you're sick, think first, why are you sick in the first place?
a quick one would be, you neglected yourself to stay healthy,
might be working too much, eating too much, 
or having "fun" too much.

can't think of anything while you're sick?
here's a quick tips, find yourself a mirror, 
and ask that person on the mirror,
what they've been doing lately that makes them sick right now?
the answers will be sent to you telepathically.

Ketnipz on Twitter: "I made laptop backgrounds as well ✨… "

End of this already,
let met say this to you,
what matters most is,
when will you start being the best version of you?
until you had enough fun?

" When will enough be enough? "

If you are wiser than me,
you might have the same idea for this line that I'm going to say down here,
or even better, you could even tell me more about it,
how deep of understanding these lines.

Ketnipz on Twitter: "Temporary solutions… "

" Treasures doesn't have a limit,
doesn't matter how much you have it will keep increasing indeed,
but will it ever be infinite? 
I don't think so.
Then why most of us still couldn't get enough,
we just keep wanting more and more,
wanting more for that doesn't have a finish line. "

" It's like chasing time, time will never stop, even though you died, 
time will keep going on and on. When will time stop? "

Eu achei q n ia conseguir levantar n de tão cansado dkskdksks MANO quase até 6h, achei dhr, vamo fzr dnv

Hope you saw the clue I just gave you,
if you get it, focus on it more,
when you have enough treasures (enough food, clothes, house, etc.),
stop. Stop focusing on looking treasures too hard.
Focus on the clue I gave you.
It's the only thing limited that's worth on focusing.

Slow down, 
take your time, 
you're halfway right

Clouds Head Naked Butt and Back
When will enough be ' enough '
~ 4 ~

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