Saturday, April 11, 2020



@ a n g e l a s u s a n t o 2 7
Last but not least do you ever keep asking yourself everytime you faces challenges,
how do I do it? how is that possible? 


to makes people feel better about themselves, you can start with, how are you doing?

Basically we'll be talking about how for this chapter.

How means to ask the way of doing something, to know the process of something from the start till it reach the finish line.

Between You and Me.

How do you thing all of us ended up here? Living on the world we call, Earth.
Have you ever thought of it? No?
Didn't surprise me, not all of us had the time to think about it.
We're too busy working, making money, to fill our stomach, too busy having fun,
or may I say, too busy staying alive. We're so focused on our life that we don't even
had the time to think about what will we became when it's the end of our time.

We're stuck, chained by fortune and fames. 
We're stuck, drowned deeply in materials.
We're stuck, too focused about the world.

Think more about yourself for once if you haven't had yet.

Doesn't mean that your being ego focusing on yourself.
Doesn't mean that you ignore others for this.
Doesn't mean that you skip doing chores also.

But, take time for understanding yourself, who you really are.
Knowing yourself is harder than you think.
Because you can only see yourself in front of the mirror.

I'm young, inexperience of a lot of things.
I thought life was about having fun,
cause I don't feel that sad when I was little.

As I grew, living alone, know how it felt to take care of yourself.
At first it was okay, I said, living alone was great,
you had the time just for you, to do anything you wanted,
to be anywhere you wanted to.

But then, I realized, human was born to felt boredom when they're doing routines,
we are not born to do the same thing like forever. Why? Simple, we are not machines.
Humans have feelings, they intended to feel things. 

We're happy when we do what we want, what we loved.
We're sad when we can't do what we want, what we loved.
We're angry when things don't go the way we wanted it to be.

Happy, Sad, Angry. 
These three are the basic emotions.
The others were just a mixed from these three.

What'd you get when you're happy and sad at the same time?
What'd you get when you're happy and angry at the same time?
What'd you get when you're sad and angry at the same time?

Not just by combining it.
Each of them is a basic ingredient to form other emotion as well.

You could turn sadness into : jealous, worried, ...
You could turn angry into    : hate, ...
You could turn happy into   : ...

@ketnipz on Instagram


As you finished reading all of the bullshit I've typed above.
Notice how you didn't even think, how could a human thinks like this?
How does our brain had this ability to think something we don't even know existed?

Imagination. How does we have it?

Not That Important.

Even though science may have proven and given the answer. Most of us, doesn't care that much to it.
We just continue our life being us, do what we're supposed to do.
Even if we might knew the answers, I don't think it would changed most of what we do now.
or will it?

Think about it, if one day we all knew why we're here, living,  may it be a good or bad answerd,
will we be able to stay as we are? Still be able do these things as it is?

My answer would be a big no. Why?

Humans, are created to be an adaptable living things, we adapted to our surrounding also means our life. When it changed it will change also how we interact with it. Maybe some won't, but some will do. How many years has it been since the ancient age? or the stone ages?

If it were true, history, we lived as cavemens, as a tribes, and civilized till now,
then it is true that we are adaptable through lifes.

Don't Take This Seriously.

Since the title talks about how. And seems like mostly my chapter on this blog is talking about life and life that no one actually cares. I'm just going to post it here how or a theory of maybe how we could get out from this circle of life, so we won't need to do more good things or we don't even need to be good anymore, that means, no more hurting others or ourselfs.

One, accept who you really are. As a humans. Put all other things like your face, your body, things you have, away. Think about it, all of us are humans, we knew we are different (outside). See the bigger picture. As human beings. Accept that you are alive as you. We breath, we eat, we drink, we rest, we do things. That way I swear it won't even matter to you wether you see people walkin down the streets with their jordans, airpods, those gold chains, their sportcars. Stripped those things of and what do you have? the same human beings as yourself.

Here's why I promise you that things that others won't matter to you. Let me tell you from my perspective. 

" Things that other have doesn't matter for you. But things you have matters to you."

Why what they have doesn't matters for you? cause it's theirs, no matter how much you felt jealous it won't be yours. You won't be able to try it or used it fully if it's not yours. Well this is if you still wanted things in your life.

For me, sometimes I do still feel like, 

" Damn, look at that car, that bike, wish I'd could have one of those "

Sure I do still think like that. But then, I felt so damn weird, why are we so proud like too proud of it? When I told myself, see the bigger picture, this is how my mind tells me.

Me    :   " Look at him, posting picture so damn proud of his supercars. Ooo whee~ I wan.. "

My Mind : " What? Those are just metals. Just a machine dipped with colors. Not even alive. "

Me    :  " Wha--? "

*me realizing the bigger picture*

" That was just humans sitting on a machine, a piece of metal to started with. "

" That was just humans being proud of their things created from variety of other things "

" That was just humans, bragging about things they were. It's just a thread, a cotton, or fabrics "

In the end, when I started thinking things this way, I couldn't care more about what people have, still admiring it, but wanted so bad to have it of course, but jealous because they had it? nah. Cause Imma work my ass off for it instead of staying here with jealousy.

If someone ask me how they could change their life or how to see things positively?

I'd tell them, 

" It's all about perspective. Which one you wanted your mind, yourself, wanted to see? "


Vector black and white illustration of human skull with a lower jaw in ink hand drawn style.


~ End of Hello ~

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